Publication page
of J.W. Koolwaaij

Format: Paper (PDF, 100758 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): F. Bimbot, M. Blomberg, Lou Boves, G. Chollet, C. Jaboulet, B. Jacob, J. Kharroubi, Johan Koolwaaij, J. Lindberg, J. Mariethoz, C. Mokbel & H. Mokbel (1999)
Reference:Proceedings of the "6th European conference on speech communication and technology" (EUROSPEECH'99), Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 5, pp. 1963-1966
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 145423 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij & Lou Boves (1999)
Reference:Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA-99), Washington, USA, pp. 224-229
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PDF, 12137958 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij & Lou Boves (1999)
Reference:Forensic Linguistics, the International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, Vol. 6, Number 2, pp. 242-264
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
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