Publication page
of J.W. Koolwaaij

Format: Paper (html) ;
Author(s): Helmer Strik & Johan Koolwaaij (1998)
Reference:Natuur & Techniek, Natuurwetenschappelijk & Technisch maandblad, 66e jaargang, nr. 9, sept. 1998, pp. 10-19.
Keywords:Speech Recognition
Format: Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): J.-B. Pierrot, J. Lindberg, Johan Koolwaaij, H.-P. Hutter, D. Genoud, M. Blomberg & F. Bimbot (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), Seattle, USA, Vol. 1, pp. 125-128
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 170770 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): F. Bimbot, H.-P. Hutter, C. Jaboulet, Johan Koolwaaij, J. Lindberg & J.-B. Pierrot (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the Workshop "Reconnaissance du Locuteur et ses Applications Commerciales et Criminalistiques" (RLA2C), Avignon, France, 20-23 April 1998, pp. 215-220
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 1071212 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): C. Jaboulet, Johan Koolwaaij, J. Lindberg, J.-B. Pierrot & F. Bimbot (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the Workshop "Reconnaissance du Locuteur et ses Applications Commerciales et Criminalistiques" (RLA2C), Avignon, France, 20-23 April 1998, pp. 202-205
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 172223 bytes) ; Paper (PDF, 107370 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): Lou Boves & Johan Koolwaaij (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the Workshop "Reconnaissance du Locuteur et ses Applications Commerciales et Criminalistiques" (RLA2C), Avignon, France, 20-23 April 1998, pp. 178-181
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PDF, 71437 bytes) ;
Author(s): J. Lindberg, Johan Koolwaaij, H.-P. Hutter, D. Genoud, M. Blomberg, J.-B. Pierrot & F. Bimbot (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the Workshop "Reconnaissance du Locuteur et ses Applications Commerciales et Criminalistiques" (RLA2C), Avignon, France, 20-23 April 1998, pp. 89-92
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 56798 bytes) ; Paper (PDF, 44082 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij & Johan de Veth (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing and Student Day (ICSLP'98), Vol. 7, pp. 3357-3362
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Paper (PostScript, 321662 bytes) ; Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): H. Melin, Johan Koolwaaij, J. Lindberg, & F. Bimbot (1998)
Reference:Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98), Vol. 5. pp. 1903-1906
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
Format: Abstract (html) ;
Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij (1998)
Reference:Proceedings International Association for Forensic Phonetics (IAFP'98), Voorburg
Keywords:Speaker Recognition
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