TRIPZOOM: a System to Motivate Sustainable Urban Mobility

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Title: TRIPZOOM: a System to Motivate Sustainable Urban Mobility

Author(s): P. Holleis, M. Luther, G. Broll, H. Cao, Johan Koolwaaij, A. Peddemors, P. Ebben, M. Wibbels, K. Jacobs & S. Raaphorst

Reference: Proceedings of The First International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies, SMART 2012, Stuttgart, Germany

Keywords: Mobility management

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The accelerating growth of cities provides new chal-lenges for urban planning, especially related to transportation. Many existing infrastructures already operate at their capacity limits during rush hours or large events. They need to be used more efficiently as they often cannot be extended without con-siderable negative effects for citizens such as increasing pollu-tion or travel costs. We describe a system that enhances mobility data from existing urban infrastructure with data from participatory sensing. Based on derived mobility patterns and direct feedback via social networks, a dynamic incentive system is provided to positively influence mobile behavior on a personal and city-wide scale beyond regular urban planning. Error processing SSI file