A comparative evaluation of variance flooring techniques on HMM-based speaker verification

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Title: A comparative evaluation of variance flooring techniques on HMM-based speaker verification

Author(s): H. Melin, Johan Koolwaaij, J. Lindberg, & F. Bimbot

Reference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98), Vol. 5. pp. 1903-1906

Keywords: Speaker Recognition

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The problem of how to train variance parameters on scarce data is addressed in the context of text-dependent HMM-based, automatic speaker verification. Three variations of variance flooring are explored as a means to prevent over-fitting. With the best-performing one, the floor to a variance vector of a client model is proportional to the correpsonding variance vector in a non-client multi-speaker model. It is also found that adapting the means and mixture weights from the non-client model while keeping the variances constant works comparably to variance flooring and is much simpler. Comparisons are made on the large telephone quality corpora. Error processing SSI file