A new procedure for classifying speakers in Speaker Verification Systems

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Title: A new procedure for classifying speakers in Speaker Verification Systems

Author(s): Johan Koolwaaij & Lou Boves

Reference: Proceedings of the "5th European conference on speech communication and technology" (EUROSPEECH'97), Rhodes, Vol.5, pp. 2355-2358

Keywords: Speaker Recognition

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In this paper we propose a new measure to classify speakers with respect to their behaviour in speaker recognition systems. Taking the proposal made by EAGLES as a point of departure we show that it fails to yield results that are consistent between closely related speaker recognition methods and between different amounts of speech available for the recognition task. We show that measures based on a straightforward confusion matrices, that take only the 1-best classification into account, cannot result in consistent classifications. As an alternative we propose a measure based on n-best scores in a speaker identification paradigm, and show that it yields more consistent performance. Error processing SSI file